Fergus Haak Fergus Haak Fergus Haak

Tech enthusiast and studying cyber security.

Hi There!

I'm a second year Cyber Security and Forensics student at Edinburgh Napier University.


Bishopbriggs Academy

2021 Scottish Higher (SCQF level 6)

Edinburgh Napier University

2026 Honors in Cyber Security and Forensics


The Climbing Academy

2020-2023 Rock Climbing Instructor


Climbing Wall Instructor Award

Achieved 2023

Classical Guitar Grade 6

Achieved 2018

Skills Highlights

Programming Languages

Projects Projects Projects

Wayward Soul Video Game Freeze Frame

One of many unity games i have made this one involves dodging progressely larger waves of enemies while spending upgrades on a skill tree and building unique combinations of weapons to defeat enemies faster. I designed, planned and programmed this in C# in my spare time.

Unity C#
Text Based GUI Weather App

This is a Python program that scrapes weather data from a website and presents it in a readable format. It fetches current weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed) for a specific location from the BBC weather website, using the Requests library and Beautiful Soup.


This is a command-line file system implementation that allows users to create, write, read, and delete files. I want to spend time in the future improving this, adding nested structures, file permissions/access control, searching/indexing and system persistence, to make this a more usable file system implementation.

Scrambled image and solved image side by side

This was the qualifier challenge for the Python 2023 summer code jam. The program can split an image into pre-defined tiles and then rearrange them based on a pre-defined order. It then reassembles the image. This using Python-Numpy and OpenCV.


Get In Touch

Reach out to me via Instagram, LinkedIn or Github.